Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sewing (craft) room...

This is my yarn and fabric wall in my sewing/craft room. My spectacularly awesome husband built it for me. I showed him a couple of things I liked on pinterest and he measured and sketched and headed off to Home Depot. He wishes he had made it he wanted not like I wanted. But it's perfect. Things are more organized now than in this picture...I'd had totes and zipper bags (and even a garbage bag or two) full of yarn and fabric.
He finished the shelf, we moved it in to the sewing room. Then he left to go pick up our kids from school (they get out an hour apart and since we moved to "the boonies" and kept them in their "city" schools, we try to wait that hour out instead of drive back and forth) and in that hour and a half or so, I had it full. He didn't think I'd have it done that fast, but I did. He wanted to stain it or paint it or something, but I just wanted it sanded and wiped down. PERFECTION!
Several houses ago he designed and built me a scrapbooking/craft desk that fit into the closet area (there were no doors on the closet). Sadly we had to take it apart when we moved. We did keep the top, but I don't know what happened to it. It might still be down at my grandma's.
Jan 2007

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